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How to Deep Clean your home

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Alex, Staff Writer

Thursday, 11 March 2021

Whether you’re moving out of a rental property, moving into a new home or you’re just ready for a good spring clean, it’s a good idea to know how to deep clean your home. We’re going to talk you through the key steps to deep cleaning your home, leaving it looking fresh and clean.

If you don’t have time to deep clean, or you’re working on a tight deadline, hiring a professional cleaner to deep clean your home is a great option, and you’ll be amazed by the results!

Deep Cleaning a kitchen

The kitchen is a tough room to tackle when it comes to deep cleaning, leaving many people to put it off until the last minute.

You’ll need to start with your oven. Vinegar and baking soda are your friends here, helping to lift burnt-on food and grease. Don’t forget your extractor fan. Soak it in water and washing up liquid, along with a splash of white distilled vinegar to lift any grease.

It’s a good idea to empty your fridge and freezer, cleaning each of the shelves and sorting through food to make sure that nothing is past the expiry date. Don’t forget to clean out any food residue that might be caught in the seals of your doors.  

Next, clean your cupboard interiors and exteriors, including the handles. It’s amazing what a bit of polishing can do for your kitchen cupboards! You’ll also want to scrub your tiles, including the grout and sealant. This is commonplace for bacteria to build up, so it’s a good idea to give your tiles a deep clean on a regular basis.

Finally, descale your sink and taps, and then give them a good polish. You’ll be surprised at how good your taps can look after a good clean.

Deep Cleaning a lounge

Begin cleaning your lounge by dusting your ceiling fittings and the top corners of your room, before moving on to your window ledges and blinds. You can use a toothbrush to clean inside the slats of your blinds, helping them to look new once more.  

Use the toothbrush again to remove any dust from your skirting boards and then wipe them down with a damp cloth. Next, vacuum your floors, moving furniture out of the way and using the nozzle attachments to get into small gaps.

Once you’ve vacuumed, you’ll need to spot treat any marks on your carpet. For solid floors, you’ll need to mop them down with the right floor cleaner for your floor covering.

Finally, polish your door handles, doors, electrical sockets and light switches, getting rid of fingerprints and restoring their shine.

Deep Cleaning a bathroom

Let’s face it – no one enjoys cleaning their bathroom. However, it’s a task that needs to be done.

Start by cleaning any soap scum from the tiles, bath and shower. Bathrooms are moist environments where bacteria thrive, so it’s a good idea to bleach the grout and sealant to kill any bacteria and to prevent mildew from forming.

Then it’s time to bleach and wipe the toilet, sink and any other surfaces in your bathroom. For any stubborn stains in your toilet, baking soda and vinegar are a magical combination that breaks through stains whilst avoiding harsh chemicals.

Remove any limescale from your taps and then polish your taps and sink. Don’t forget to also clean your mirrors and any other mirrored fixtures, getting rid of any fingerprints.

Finally, vacuum the extractor fan to remove any dust. This will help to keep it in full working order, reducing the risk of failures.

Hire a professional Cleaner

There’s no hiding from the fact that deep cleaning your home is hard work. So why not leave it to the professionals and hire a cleaner? After all, they’re the experts in deep cleaning. If you’re ready to hire a professional to deep clean your home, you can find a cleaner on Bark.

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